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How many times have you told yourself you need to "get in shape"?


How many times have you started working out only to get overwhelmed by all the information?


How many times have you gotten discouraged because you didn't loose weight in the first week?


What if this time it was different?


What if this time you had a super simple plan that simply focused on moving 30 minutes a day?


What if you took your focus off weight loss and put it on living a healthy lifestyle?

You see, I won't promise you will lose a certain amount of weight within a time frame. That is out of my control and yours as well. What I can promise is that if you give me 30 minutes a day for the next 2 weeks, you will feel stronger and more confident in your ability to stick with it.
I want you to focus on what you can control. I want you to focus on things that are actually within your power.

You can control your activity.
You can control your water intake.
You can control your food choices. 
You can control how much sleep you get. 

When you focus on these things the weight loss will happen, you will feel empowered at the end of each day and you will wake up motivated to keep going.



I am Kristin Leon, owner of Live Free Health and Fitness. 
I am excited to share my brand new Beginners  Quick Start Exercise Guide with you. 
I look at fitness differently and I encourage you to do the same.
Moving our bodies should be something we are honored to do. It shouldn't feel like punishment.
I love working with women who feel like they have lost themselves after becoming mothers. Moms whose bodies have been changed by growing humans, moms who spend all day every day taking care of everyone else.
I am passionate about creating a space for you to take care of you. Sure it will be help you physically, but I am more interested in the mental benefits you receive from simply moving your body.

What you will get..


  • Immediate Beginner Quick Start Exercise Guide Access​

  • 2 Strength Workouts

  • 1 Cardio/HIIT Workout

  • 1 Stretching Workout

  • Video Demonstrations

  • Support and Accountability From Me



I want you to reclaim your confidence and I think this is the perfect way to help you get started!

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